Mood Disorders

but never have I been

a blue calm sea;

I have always been a storm.

Stevie Nicks

Mood Disorders

A mood disorder is typically classified by a mood that persists for a minimum of 2 weeks without abating.  However, it can look like a lot of different things:

These are just a few of the symptoms that can come up when dealing with a mood disorder.  Some mood disorders cycle through periodic "episodes" and others are noticeably triggered by a specific life situation or event.  Whatever the reason, it is possible to weather the current storm and create a path to whole wellness.  Together with your medical team, we can work towards true stabilization to limit the frequency, intensity, and severity of mood disorder episodes.

Personality Disorders

Unlike mood disorders, personality disorders tend to be much more subtle in presentation.  Unfortunately, this does not mean they are less difficult to manage; in fact, due to the rigid and deep-rooted beliefs characteristic of personality disorders, they can cause significant distress to clients and their loved ones.  Common signs of personality disorder include:

Most importantly, the way that you think, behave, feel, and engage with others is causing you and your loved ones significant distress or problems in your daily life.


Moving to a place of true mental health is a journey with many parts.  Those parts can consist of family members, friends, physicians, athletic trainers, faith leaders, teachers, recovery community, mentors, and many others.  Working together, we can connect or reconnect you with your support system to develop a plan that nurtures long-lasting stability in your life.